So I know that I've done something similar to this before but that's okay. It'll still be fun and exciting. I realize that while I know what I do here every single day and O knows what I do here and folks here with me know... people back home are probably wondering... So I'm going to try very hard to walk you through most of a week here. We'll see what happens.
So the week starts off with a lovey day of rest and relaxation. I love SUNDAY. There is no pressure to do crazy stuff and I don''t know. I go to church and then spend the rest of the day not doing anything... Well sometimes some lesson plans, but when don't I have those?
Here is a lovely picture of O and Bule getting ready for Sunday morning worship!
So after a great day of resting and preparing... MONDAY IS HERE. Oh how unfortunate after such a wonderful day. 5 am comes very very early. Fortunately I get to go and greet all these adorable faces.
We start out day with singing, counting and talking about how much fun we had over the weekend. Luckily for me these kiddos love coming to school on Monday. That makes things much easier. Our FAVORITE part of Monday is visiting the library and reading lots of new books!
Kindergarten at ABC ends at 12 so somewhere between 12:30 and 1:00 I get to head home, and rest for a little while before starting preparation for the next day. School is exhausting and Monday is... well Monday. So, our evenings are pretty calm. We generally watch movies, have dinner, and sleep... EARLY!
After all the excitement of Monday, Tuesday comes pretty quickly itself. 5 am. OH how I love it! (not really)
Tuesday in Kindergarten is pretty much the same as Monday, we just like to have a lot of fun! We have, however, managed to celebrate quite a few birthdays already this year... and several of them have fallen on a Tuesday which is just fun!
Here we are celebrating T.K. turning 6!! |
After school on Tuesday O and I usually venture out and do our shopping. Shopping is always an adventure. It generally takes us about an hour or two and a visit to about 3 different shops to get everything we need/want off our shopping list.
Chipiku is one of our favorite places, we can get most things we need here.. . Plus the have CHOCOLATE and sometimes tortilla chips! Yuuum! |
This is our second favorite place. They have the bagels and yummy rolls |
Here's a look inside foodworths. Believe it or not we do buy veggies sometimes, but not usually from here. |
There are a few other places we frequent and we sometimes go to the market, but that's a post in itself. I don't really mind shopping its fun and there is always something exciting to see. It takes a long time and can be frustrating when you've visited 4 different places and still only have half of whats on your list, but we make it work.
Um Wednesday are the middle of the week, obviously. As far as Kindergarten goes they look pretty much like Monday and Tuesday except that we get to go to SPORTS! This is one of their favorite things running and playing new games and just enjoying some time out of the classroom. (its also a really nice break for the teacher!)
After school on Wednesday there is much that happens though we do go to Staff Bible study and spend some time in The Word. It's also a good time to see people that don't work at the academy, but are still missionaries to ABC.
Then there is Thursday. OH the fun we have on Thursdays! Everyone is tired and really excited that the week is almost over, but there is still work to be done. Every Thursday in Kindergarten we spend about an hour doing art! For some people this may not seem terribly exciting, but it really is. I try to give my kids minimal instructions... really just guidelines and let them be creative. Sometimes things turn out very interesting... and sometimes I just get 17 pictures of a dog, but its always fun.
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Here we are working with the other kindergarten class to make letter people! |
We painted.... WITH OUR FEET! |
THEN ITS FRIDAY! FRIDAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!! You may think I'm wrong, but! I'm not. We start our Friday with chapel. Reception to 1st grade spend the first 45 minutes or so of our day worshiping together. We sing we hear from the Bible and we have a really good time.

One week we even had some puppets!!! |
In Kinder 2 our favorite part of Friday is FUN CENTERS. We set aside 45 minutes or so at the end of Friday to play with all of the fun and wonderful things that we find in our classroom!
You wish you could have this much fun! |
After school of Fridays I generally go to Malika village with Bule and Ben and a bunch of students from the college. Basically all I do is hold hands with little kids and do whatever I'm told. It's really really fun!
On this particular day we were putting on a carnival for the kids, so there were TONS of them there and we had a zillion and one bags of candy and lots of fun games to play. |
Then its Saturday! FINALLY!!! Saturdays include any number of things here in Malawi. Our personal favorite is doing nothing! But our friends think we spend too much time inside so they try really hard to make us get out and do things... So here we go...
We were kidnapped!! (along with the camera) and went to lunch! It was goo times. |
While we were at lunch Ogles spotted some really YUMMY rolls and we were all a little worried she was going to jump over the railing after them. |

Wii tournament!!!.... eventually it got a little bit intense. It was good times!
The guys came and made dinner one night! OH man... hilarious! |
And, of course, everyone's favorite....
And sometimes we just do really random things like...
make chocolate peanut butter popcorn.... |
Watch T.V. ALLL day |
drink half a crate of coke... |
Work really hard to publish a blog for our friends and family! |
So there you have it... a week in my life. It's good times I like it, I have fun, sometimes its stressful, sometimes I don't really like it, but that's okay.
Until next time...
"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15.58