Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1. 2. 3.--------17,000....

Have you ever had one of those days where, every time you accomplish one thing 5 more pop up? Well, this has been one of those WEEKS! I long ago gave up on my to-do list and am trying very hard to just take it one thing at a time.     There was a time in my life when this would have caused me infinitely more stress and anxiety than it does now. I can remember being half way... somewhere, remembering my planner was still at my house and turning around to go back for it. Now... Well I left my plan-book at home the other day, but no fear! Miss Weimer is resourceful and we made it through the day with only one major misstep. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to tell you all this, but I think I just realized how far I've come.
This has been a crazy term for me, Nothing has gone as I thought it should. It seems like... If it can go wrong it will, If its the most inconvenient time for someone to be sick then they probably are... OH and the break you thought you were getting today.. no, not gonna happen. But its okay. My God is good and that's that.
SO.... Today as I was waiting for a parent to come in I finally committed myself to going back to list to see what I had accomplished and to write the rest down so that some day it might actually get accomplished... It's long and a little bit stressful to look at, but you know what? I am only one person and so long as I am doing my best, giving my students my best, and glorifying God in everything I do than I should not ask anything else from myself.

So there I am....

Until next time

"Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!" Psalm 98:4