Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It is always amusing to see how things play out... at some point when you tell people you are moving it seems the only thing they can ask from then on is when you will be going. However, if you don't know when you're leaving you just have to smile and say " I dunno..." then there is a moment of freaking out because you have been reminded that you don't really know anything about your life. So clearly the logical solution is to pick a random date and start telling everyone that is when you're leaving. That is what Allison and I decided to do anyway. We pick August 3rd, doesn't that sound like a lovely day? Every times someone would ask "when are you leaving" we would say August 3rd despite that fact that we had not even contacted a travel agent yet.
About a month later we finally managed to remember that we needed to get plane tickets and have a date that we were actually going to leave. So Allison, because she is awesome, e-mailed them and they returned her e-mail with the date August 3rd! around 6pm (I realize I have posted this date already, but the story is just too exciting) Yesterday we paid for our tickets, which means that now there is NO turning back we've begun getting our shots the tickets are paid for and most of our stuff is halfway to Malawi!!! Ahhh! we're going and it's going to be GREAT!!!

As always your prayers and support are appreciated.


  1. Wonderful! I'm so excited for both of you!
    Praying for your ministry!
    from Pam, Jill's Mom (AKA Gidgi!)

  2. Can't wait to have ya'll here. You're going to love it!
