It is becoming very difficult for me to remember that the summer is still young, so much has happened already this summer. What is on my mind right now, however, is the week that just past. I had the ever enjoyable (well mostly enjoyable :D) privilege of going with the youth group from our church to camp. Now, to be perfectly honest I was absolutely dreading the zillion hour road trip in a church bus full of stinky boys windy through the mountains. Some how I managed to survive, and what happened when we arrived at camp was absolutely worth every second of that insane ride up.
I never cease to be amazed and encouraged to see God working in the lives of teenagers. They are always so passionate about what is happening, and while I am not old it is extremely exciting to see kids that I have watched grow up becoming such incredible men and women of God. And while this week at camp had its struggles, I am certain that it was where I was supposed to be. I cannot even put into words how blessed I have been by the people from Crossroads and the things that are happening in their lives individually and as a church community.
I suppose how all of this really relates to my upcoming trip is this. Many of you may know that recent my life has been frequently plagued with anxiety and worry. This is something that I have had to turn over to God time and time again. I have no idea why, but this is one of the most difficult struggles I have, and with this calling and decision to move to Malawi those feelings have been even more apparent. One night at camp this week we concluded the evening in a time of prayer preparing ourselves for communion, and spending time in the presence of God. The moving of the Spirit that night was so apparent it was overwhelming, but as I sat and and prayed I was overcome by the presence knowledge that my God loved me more than I know and would never leave me. We had the option to write on a piece of paper whatever it was that we were turning over to God and then throw it into a fire pit as a symbol of the release. I walked over to the table and I wrote WORRY on a piece of paper. As I walked out to the fire pit I was terrified of what it might mean to truly turn over to God what seems to have become an almost comforting part of who I am, but I threw that paper into the fire I was overwhelmed with a sense of peace like I cannot even describe. I desperately wish that putting thoughts into written words was a gift of mine. I would love nothing more than to recount every aspect of what has happened since we pulled out of the parking lot last Sunday afternoon. The Lord moved while we were at camp and it is most definitely not stopping at the camp. The lives saved, stories told, and the spirit moving is something I hope everyone experiences.
"And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?"
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