Monday, August 15, 2011

Ice Cream and Light Bulbs

Many of you may know that I REALLY like ice cream. I probably eat ice cream at least 5 days out of the week, if not more. Unfortunately, ice cream is hard to come by here in Malawi and when you can find it, it is extremely! expensive. But today we were out shopping and we happen to walk past some people buying an ice cream cone. We talked about if for all of about 2 seconds before deciding that we had to go in. AND they had ice cream for real and it was cheap and yummy!!!! We owe all of this to the AMAZING Kyser family who took us all around town today, as we attempted to find light bulbs.
This is where things get fun. As many of you may have read we have not had very many light bulbs in our house that work. So, today we were determined to get some. Now in Malawi there are two kinds of light bulbs, the twisty kind like we have in the states and then the push and twist kind. (apparently, similar to what you would put in your car) The push and twist kind are the more popular kind here, so naturally we have the twisty kind. I am pretty sure we went to five stores before finding and twisty light bulbs, and then buying as many as we could carry. This is something we have found to be incredibly fun here. You may find something one week, and not see again the next. You may have to travel to five different stores to finish your shopping list, and you still may come home a few items short. Its all very exciting. BUT! now we have lights! in our whole house, EVERYWHERE! Right now it is starting to get dark outside, but that's not bothering us today because we have a WORKING light bulb in our front room!
Today has been a very good day! We were able to get our video skype working and talk to Caleb for a bit this morning which was double exciting because we haven't seen him in a very long time. We went to our ABC orientation which was very informative and fun. Afterward we ate a traditional Malawian meal, which Allison and I both enjoyed (I know you're all shocked). And then the Kysers took us shopping and we learned how to get our coke crates filled, and we just saw a lot of things that we hadn't seen yet. Then we ate ice cream!!! and came home a put in all new light bulbs!!! Like I said it's been a great day!!! OH! and we found out our address here!! I don't really want to post it on the blog, but if you want it you can e-mail me at and I will be sure and send it to you. Please continue to pray for health, safety, peace of mind, and financial support.

Until next time....

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