School starts MONDAY! Ahhh!!! Okay, really I'm ready for it kinda... as much as I can be... At this point we'll just have to see what happens, but I'm excited.
Today I met with the head teacher about what plans should look like and had a basic rundown of a day in kindergarten at ABCCA. It was really informative and wonderful. I spent the next several hours coloring things and doing all the fun things you get to do as a kindergarten teacher.
We also decided that we should probably go shopping today because we were starting to run low on some basic necessities, like.... bread. And since we don't want Allison to starve we thought bread would be good idea. So we ventured out on our own... well not really. Chris was here last year so she drove us around, but it was the first time we had gone out "just the roommates." We hit up all the shops and even the market. I may or may not have told you all this, but in order to complete your shopping list here in Malawi you have to visit at least three stores, possibly more. Today was the first day we were able to come home with everything that was on our list!! I am sure this seems very simple, but sometimes you just can't find things you're looking for. Just because Chipiku has something one week does not mean it will be there the next week or ever again for that matter. Its all very fun and exciting. But like I said today we came home with everything on our list. And that isn't even the most exciting part.
So, there is a fuel shortage here in Malawi. That basically means that there is only fuel every once in a while and when there is fuel EVERYONE needs/wants some. So, when there is even a rumor that a fuel truck might be coming in there will be a line 17zillion miles long at the gas station and down the road, around the corner... pretty much forever, BUT! today we decided that because it took forever (about 4 hours) to shop we would just pick up dinner at Steers (which is basically burgers or chicken sandwiches) and take it home. So while we were sitting and waiting on our dinner Chris thought she noticed some activity at the petrol (gas) station. So we decided when we left we would drive by and see what all the fuss was about. They had petrol!! We were the 4th car in line! That's amazing!! We were able to get a full tank of petrol, and we really needed it! We were so excited!!! We did wonderful little happy dances as we pulled out of the parking lot! A lot of the Malawians in line were laughing at us. It was excellent. I took some pictures on my phone so I'll have to see if I can figure out how to get those up, but Praise the Lord! It was a good thing we didn't want Allison to starve and we had to go out and shop. (she didn't even come. (: )
Other than all of that excitement, we're still just getting ready for school. Sometimes I feel a little bit guilty because my school prep involves making playdough and coloring while everyone else sits and work diligently on lesson plans. (that why Ogles couldn't come shopping ): ). I have to make lesson plans too, but mine are not as extensive as some others.
But we're really starting to get settled in Wednesday we were on a "lock down" of sorts because of possible demonstrations in town (they didn't end up happening) But we got a lot of things done. we cleaned up our house and organized things... so now we just need some curtains so that it can really start to feel like home.
Thanks so much, everyone, for your prayers and support. They are definitely felt here in Malawi. Please continue to pray. Pray for energy as school starts up, patience as we learn what we're doing here, health (NO MALARIA!), and for no anxiety!
Until next time
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35
Hooray for short lines and happy dances! You'll have the whole country dancing before long!